We had an awesome week. We really buckled down and focused on the goals we set for ourselves this week. We still have several potential investigators that we are trying to contact and whoever is here next transfer will have a lot of work to do. I personally hope to stay in the area, and to have a really good experienced companion. Elder Swanson thinks he's staying but I think I am. This has been his area for seven and a half months so I think he's outta here, but at the same time, I'm a visa waiter, so they might not keep me here if there is a chance I'll leave any minute. Who knows. I just need some change around here before one of us goes loopy.
But I cant get everything I wish for. I just dont want a lazy bum companion.

We picked up a new investigator last week, Cliff Isom and he really wants to be baptized. His baptisimal date is on the 13th of February. Only problem is he's living with his girlfriend and we either have to get one of them moved out or get them married this coming week or it's a no-go. It's all kinda lame. Hopefully they both take it alright. We have 3 others on Date, Zach and Colby Pike are ready to baptized on the 6th, and I think I might be performing my first baptism. It'll be awesome. Our other investigators are a little hesitant right now but we'll get them there eventually.
I heard california was drowning or something and there are mudslides and stuff. I hope everyone is alright at home. We're have a super dry winter up here. Every day they've forcasted 6 inches of snow but each day we get maybe an inch, which all melts during the day. The ski resorts are apparently getting lots but we dont see much of that.
I hope everybody is having fun and staying busy at home.
........ (added after he read letter from home)
I'm outta time. I'm glad the house didnt wash away. Tornadoes? that's psychadelik. Good luck on the road show. I got the pictures you sent me. Surfs up! I miss the Ocean. Ummmmmmmmmm got to go.
Elder Wright