Hey everyone!
We had yet another excellent week! it was amazing. We had another baptism this week for Ariel Thorup, who we've been teaching for about 3 weeks now. She came home from girls camp and told everyone that she knew the church was true and she wanted to be baptized. Elder Neilson performed the baptism (his first one) and i did the confirmation. We kept busy throughout the whole week. We picked up a new investigator, Robert Newhook, who is from eastern Canada. He and Elder Neilson were talking about all the weird things that americans do. he talks really canadian. We also, ran into some people from India. It was interesting to talk to them, they were what they called, fundamentalist hindu. We gave them a book of mormon and they gave us some indian dessert and milk, and a Hindu bible, called the Bhagavad gita. we cant read it but it was interesting to talk to them about reincarnation and karma and stuff. there are quite a few similarities in the basic doctrines of their belief and ours. We were also walking through an apartment complex and we saw a lot of Jehovah's witness stuff in the doors, so we started making a collection of it all.
WE got hit by a massive rainstorm on thursday morning, but about 2 hours later it was bright and sunny and over 80 degrees. Utah weather is weird.
WE got hit by a massive rainstorm on thursday morning, but about 2 hours later it was bright and sunny and over 80 degrees. Utah weather is weird.
Love, Elder Wright
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