Not much new and exciting up here. I attached the pictures from the baptisms that happened two weeks ago for angelique and for nick. It still snows at least once a week. We had a service project painting the outside of a house and it started dumping snow on us. We decided to wait it out inside with hot chocolate until it passed. about 30 minutes later it was bright and sunny again. If we just make it to june we can be free of the snow! Our work has been going well. we may have one or two baptisms this weekend. Other than that we have been chugging along. We have been trying to find more investigators after we have had these baptisms. This week we found out that a recently activated member had a daughter that moved back from texas and we started teaching her. She had originally said that she didnt want to learn just yet, but we had dinner with the family, and at the end of the visit she just said, 'ok, i'll let you do your job, teach me what you believe." She is pretty committed to learning more and she is taking her scripture reading seriously so far.
anyway, that's all i've got time for this week, love you all, Alma 41:10
Elder Wright
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