Dear Family,
Hey thanks for all the Christmas gifts adn the love you sent. I've been wearing the PJ's and the ties. We really had a good Christmas despite being away from home. We went out and splurged some of that Christmas money on ties. I'm sorry to say, I am the owner of 7 new good-looking ties. I found a SWEET Black-Watch tie at Walmart that I know you would be proud of. I gained 10 ties this Christmas season, a pretty good haul. HeHe
I saw the Campbell's today (p-day)(the ones that live in Pacific Hills). That was wierd. They took pictures while we were standing outside Ross. They'll have already gotten those to you, probably.
Jason Pye will be getting baptized REALLY soon. His family found out he's investigating the church, so nothing's stopping him now. A couple of other contactS seem like eternigators (they won't accept commitments or don't have permission to be baptized). We are trying to work with both situations.
We've been walking a lot lately because of the lack of car and I've been exercising in the morning. I'm not gaining any weight any time soon. One of our stake presidents asked if I was staying healthy. I laughed because I've never felt better.
15 minutes left of P-day and I have to go fold my laundry. Cya.
Love, Elder Wright
Monday, December 28, 2009
We also had the chance to go down to the lights at Temple Square.
Hey everyone,
We had an awesome Christmas! A lot of the work slowed down Thursday and Friday,
but we kept it up. We had lock-down Christmas eve night and watched a couple
movies and played some volleyball. We have another one coming up new years eve.
We also had the chance to go down to the lights at temple square Saturday night.
It was insanely crowded but still cool. My email time is up this week but I'll
send more next time.
I Hope all is well.
love, Elder Wright
Monday, December 21, 2009
I'll be calling home on Christmas Day, at around 3.
Hey fam,
One other thing, I'll be calling home on Christmas day, at around 3 or
so. If i don't catch you at home i'll call one of your cell phones.
p.s. LOVE!!
I hope everyone has a Merrrry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas all!
ok, so uhhh. The temperature is getting a little warmer than last week, but it
got all foggy and smoggy in the valley so it feels colder. It's wonderful. Also,
Neither of us were transferred this week. Which is good I guess, because I can
spend Christmas in an area that I know. downside. They took our car away. Bummer
to the max. We're getting really good at walking and biking. We also did some
tracting last week that actually turned up some good prospects for us. We had
the opportunity to attend the Draper Temple last week, which was really nice. A
couple of our investigators are getting really close to baptism. Jason Pye is
determined to read the New Testament before he tells his family it's something
he wants to do. He should have it all done before the New Year, then we can
BAPTIZE him in January! score for the win.
I think we're pretty well taken care
of for the Holidays. We have several people's houses we're going over for
Christmas and recent converts to go visit. We're also getting locked up for
Christmas Eve night and we'll watch some movies or something. maybe play some
v-ball. We probably will watch UP. score 2 for the win! We're going to try and
keep teaching lessons this week even though everyone is super busy and probably
don't want to see us. I've been away from home for over 4 months now!!! I dont
know where all the time went. Anywho, It's a good week so far. I hope everyone
has a Merrrry Christmas!!!
Elder Wright
I got the package you sent me!
Dear Family,
Hey, I got the package you sent me! Thanks so much!! I'll wait to open all the
stuffs on Christmas. but I'll wear the scarf like every day this week. I'm
sending a package home with some stuff in it that i don't need anymore.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I have never seen anyone so deathly afraid of the water.
Hey everyone,
It's freezing, and Elder Swanson's license expired. SOOOOOOO... we've been on foot all week. holy cow. I think it hit 7 degrees when we were walking home on thursday night. We surviving pretty well though. I think I had 6 or 7 layers on at one point. And one of our ward mission leaders bought us some cheap boots so we can walk around in the slush.
Transfers are this wednesday, so we think that i'll be transferred out of here. We're not entirely sure yet though. It's just a guess. I dont think I could take another 6 weeks with Elder Swanson though. (he's grumpy in the mornings) My fingers are crossed. I also want an area with sidewalks, because our area has practically none, and we are sometimes walking on semi-major streets. We are going to try and get Elder Swanson a Utah license so we can drive again. We'll see. It may only matter to me for 2 more days.
We had a baptism this Saturday for Cole Carlson. He's a quiet little 8 year old and his family is a little bit less active. Elder Swanson performed the baptism. I have never seen anyone so deathly afraid of the water. He was crying right after his interview because he didnt want to get into the font. It took his family an hour to convince him to get in the water. And when he got in he had a vice grip on Elder Swanson's arm. He was very relieved when it was all done. I had the opportunity to perform the confirmation afterward. I was a little nervous, but I think I did all right.
Work seems to be slowing down a lot this week but we're trying to teach a lot.
It's freezing, and Elder Swanson's license expired. SOOOOOOO... we've been on foot all week. holy cow. I think it hit 7 degrees when we were walking home on thursday night. We surviving pretty well though. I think I had 6 or 7 layers on at one point. And one of our ward mission leaders bought us some cheap boots so we can walk around in the slush.
Transfers are this wednesday, so we think that i'll be transferred out of here. We're not entirely sure yet though. It's just a guess. I dont think I could take another 6 weeks with Elder Swanson though. (he's grumpy in the mornings) My fingers are crossed. I also want an area with sidewalks, because our area has practically none, and we are sometimes walking on semi-major streets. We are going to try and get Elder Swanson a Utah license so we can drive again. We'll see. It may only matter to me for 2 more days.

Love you all,
Elder Wright
P.s. when you send letters, they have to get to the mission office by saturday, for me to get them on monday because mail gets picked up from the mission office before the mailman delivers the mail.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The President commanded us to watch TV while we were there.
Hey all,
Not much new to report this week. All the days seem to be meshing together. It
has been spectacularly cold though. I haven't been able to feel my toes all
morning. We walk around with 5 or 6 layers on to keep warm. Work has definitely
slowed down during the holiday season, but we are still trying to keep busy. We
picked up a few new investigators, and we have a couple baptisms coming up in
the coming weeks. Transfers are coming up next week on Wednesday so I may or may
not still be around to see them.
I was asked yesterday to perform a baptism for Cole Carlson this Saturday, but I might let
Elder Swanson do it. He hasnt had a chance to personally baptize anyone during the
6 months he's been out. We'll see though.
Last Wednesday was Elder Swanson's birthday. We got a call from our Assistants
to the President that morning and they asked us if we could come to the hospital
for the morning and watch an elder that had gone through surgery. Elder Swanson
was a little disappointed that he would be spending half of his birthday cooped
up in a hospital room, but that all changed when the assistants told us that
president had commanded us to watch TV while we were there. It was a nice little
birthday present to watch some looney toons.
One of our investigators, Jason Pye, is completely ready to be baptized, but he
comes from a baptist family, and he cant find the courage to tell his family.
It's been a little rough the past couple of weeks for us and for him. He knows
exactly what he needs to do and we as missionaries are trying to keep him
progressing, but we're running out of commitments to give him. We hope he will
take the step soon, and we have been praying for him continually.
Love you all,
Elder Wright
PS Thanks for the Recipe(s) I'll use it soon!
PSS I dont need much for Christmas. maybe just some ties and some nice walking
in-soles (size 10 1/2)
PSSS We have lots of Christmas parties, one of which was Nauvoo themed. PICTURE!
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