It's freezing, and Elder Swanson's license expired. SOOOOOOO... we've been on foot all week. holy cow. I think it hit 7 degrees when we were walking home on thursday night. We surviving pretty well though. I think I had 6 or 7 layers on at one point. And one of our ward mission leaders bought us some cheap boots so we can walk around in the slush.
Transfers are this wednesday, so we think that i'll be transferred out of here. We're not entirely sure yet though. It's just a guess. I dont think I could take another 6 weeks with Elder Swanson though. (he's grumpy in the mornings) My fingers are crossed. I also want an area with sidewalks, because our area has practically none, and we are sometimes walking on semi-major streets. We are going to try and get Elder Swanson a Utah license so we can drive again. We'll see. It may only matter to me for 2 more days.

Love you all,
Elder Wright
P.s. when you send letters, they have to get to the mission office by saturday, for me to get them on monday because mail gets picked up from the mission office before the mailman delivers the mail.
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