I'm trying to learn more as a leader but i still feel so inadequate when I have such strong district members already. Sister malave in our district is planning on going home this next week, and we have been so grateful for her service. She is the boldest missionary i have ever met. This transfer has flown by, and I have no idea if i'll be staying or leaving next week. I'll keep you updated.
Love you all,
Elder Wright
Elder Wright
hey pops, currently I am studying Alma ch 42, moving my way through, along with PMG CH10 and CH2. Also studying the missionary whitehandbook, and studying missionary trainings for district meetings. I dont read my scrips en espanol, and if I did i would do it during non-study hours. usually at night time if I had free time, but that has all but evaporated since being a DL. We do our studying from 8-10 in the morning. My companion is doing alright. He's starting to get the area down and come up with new ideas for teaching. He's starting to get to know the area a little better so I may or may not be staying here next transfer. He's a little ADD, so we have to refocus studies a lot, but part of that is my fault hehe... He's also sufferng pretty bad from allergies, but he refuses to take medicine for some reason. It's also kinda funny because we are in cottonwood, which is known for the cotton pollen that's supposedly coming this spring. We finished our sacrifice of sweets a couple of days ago. It was hard. especially over easter break. We saw blessings throughout the entire week coming from it. We decided to have new sacrifices this week. I'm not eating lunches, but elder lundwall couldnt do that to himself, so he's not going to eat out anywhere, just at the apartment. he's also sacrificing his lower gears on his bike. (impossible).
that's all i got
1 comment:
Hey Rudy,
It's awesome to hear that you're doing well and that everything is going smoothly. Connie and I are going to write you a letter soon. Sorry I haven't written yet. You are missed and loved. Best of luck!
-Vicki Pham
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