Hey everybody,
Life is pretty good around here. Not too much exciting stuff going on. We had 2 baptisms planned for this last weekend but they both got put off for a couple weeks. It was a little disappointing but we figured they will still happen so we werent too bummed about it. I think we could have been more on top of it, because our investigators baptisimal dates snuck up on us and nobody knew about it. Some of the New investigators that we planned to pick up this week also bailed on our appointments, which was also took its toll on our moral. It's been a trial of our faith definitely, and we are both looking for new ways to pick the work back up in the area. Elder Neilson is learning fast, and he has a great attitude about the work and obedience. The district is also improving slowly, and I'm trying to help every member of our district in different ways, but it's wearing on me, especially when I cant figure out what to do in my own area.
Our dishwasher exploded because i put too much soap in it. woops. we also picked up some sweet stuff at a yard sale:waffle iron... crock pot... batman mask...patrick doll... It was a good week!
Outta time! The church is true!! Live it good. 3 Nephi 27:21
Love Elder Wright
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Father's day everyone
We had a little bit of a slow week. A lot of our appointments fell through and a few of our investigators decided they didnt want to meet with us anymore. Our baptism that we were planning for today was pushed back for a few weeks which was a little dissapointing. I've found that the longer i've been out the more tired I am. getting up in the morning is getting harder and harder. I know that if i'm obedient though the Lord will bless me. There have been a few set backs recently, but I am pushing forward and trying to be diligent. Training a new missionary is also been very tiring, but I know that he will be a good missionary only if i put in my best efforts to help him to be. He is adjusting well to missionary life. He was very excited for the Laker's win this last week. Hopefully now his mind will be a little more focused on the work now that basketball season is over. The other missionaries living in our apartment will be moving out soon so we'll finally have the place to ourselves. It's tough training someone when there are so many other influences around him.
I know this missionary work is the work of the Lord. His eye is always watching for us, even if this is our time to be tested for our patience. If we press forward with enduring faith, he will bless and support us through our trials. Through our obedience and diligence he shows us miracles. I would not be anywhere else right now but serving Him.
With Love,
Elder Wright
hey pops,
Happy Father's Day, I hope it was enjoyable. You got to spend it with the missionaries! thanks for the chocolate souffle recipe. If I have time in the next few days I'll see if I can bake them up. Our oven is a little old/ghetto. It also seems to nuke whatever we put into it so i'll just try to keep an eye on it. The dishes I got are the exact same ones we used to make the souffles in, so we'll see if they come out alright. tell Ricey goodluck on her finals. I'm glad glenn is serving strong on his mission. Are he and julia still a 'thing'? I'll send some pictures when important stuff happens. not much exciting lately. we're teaching a gay investigator. surprisingly he is our most steady person at coming to church. we're giving him a law of chastity talk tonight. it's going to be so much fun! anywho, more in an email in a bit.
I know this missionary work is the work of the Lord. His eye is always watching for us, even if this is our time to be tested for our patience. If we press forward with enduring faith, he will bless and support us through our trials. Through our obedience and diligence he shows us miracles. I would not be anywhere else right now but serving Him.
With Love,
Elder Wright
hey pops,
Happy Father's Day, I hope it was enjoyable. You got to spend it with the missionaries! thanks for the chocolate souffle recipe. If I have time in the next few days I'll see if I can bake them up. Our oven is a little old/ghetto. It also seems to nuke whatever we put into it so i'll just try to keep an eye on it. The dishes I got are the exact same ones we used to make the souffles in, so we'll see if they come out alright. tell Ricey goodluck on her finals. I'm glad glenn is serving strong on his mission. Are he and julia still a 'thing'? I'll send some pictures when important stuff happens. not much exciting lately. we're teaching a gay investigator. surprisingly he is our most steady person at coming to church. we're giving him a law of chastity talk tonight. it's going to be so much fun! anywho, more in an email in a bit.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
There was Elder Wright!
Joe & Paula Platt are in our Ward in Mission Viejo. They sent us this email.
We are in SL on business. Paula went to the Quirrah Temple. On the way in she sees two wind blown Elders coming out. There was Elder Wright! He looked happy, handsome, and radiant. "Tell my parents hello" he said. Paula cried of course.
It was a joy.
We are in SL on business. Paula went to the Quirrah Temple. On the way in she sees two wind blown Elders coming out. There was Elder Wright! He looked happy, handsome, and radiant. "Tell my parents hello" he said. Paula cried of course.
It was a joy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
He's never been this tired all the time in his life
We had an pretty exciting week. I dont have much time again but i'lll include the important parts of our week. We taught a whole bunch of lessons and we have been able to put a couple of new investigators on date. A few of them came to church but we are still working on that one. One of our investigators Luna & her boyfriend wants to get married but we found out that their parents want to have a traditional wedding, which wont happen for at least 2 years. NOT COOL! We will keep working with them and help them to build a testimony. Elder Neilson is learning fast how we work as missionaries. He says he's never been this tired all the time in his life. I must agree. I feel a nap coming on later today. Elder Neilson also loves the Lakers, so he's been all distracted by the past few games. I think I got food poisoning last night at this health nut's house. This morning was not fun at all.
I am working to help build obedience and diligence in our district. I'm trying to show my love an concern for them in their missionary lives and to see if I can help them in any way. I still feel really inadequate when it comes to actually being a district leader. I had a great experience with a baptisimal interview the other day, a family of 3. All of them were so prepared and had firm testimonies of Christ. It had taken them years to recieve the answer to the prayers that they were looking for, but it is just testimony to me that answers do come, we just have to be patient.
I think about and pray for you all,
Elder Wrght
We had an pretty exciting week. I dont have much time again but i'lll include the important parts of our week. We taught a whole bunch of lessons and we have been able to put a couple of new investigators on date. A few of them came to church but we are still working on that one. One of our investigators Luna & her boyfriend wants to get married but we found out that their parents want to have a traditional wedding, which wont happen for at least 2 years. NOT COOL! We will keep working with them and help them to build a testimony. Elder Neilson is learning fast how we work as missionaries. He says he's never been this tired all the time in his life. I must agree. I feel a nap coming on later today. Elder Neilson also loves the Lakers, so he's been all distracted by the past few games. I think I got food poisoning last night at this health nut's house. This morning was not fun at all.
I am working to help build obedience and diligence in our district. I'm trying to show my love an concern for them in their missionary lives and to see if I can help them in any way. I still feel really inadequate when it comes to actually being a district leader. I had a great experience with a baptisimal interview the other day, a family of 3. All of them were so prepared and had firm testimonies of Christ. It had taken them years to recieve the answer to the prayers that they were looking for, but it is just testimony to me that answers do come, we just have to be patient.
I think about and pray for you all,
Elder Wrght
Monday, June 7, 2010
I'm also training a new missionary straight out of the MTC!
I'm almost 10 months out now. That just doesnt seem right because it feels like I just left a month ago. But a million things happened this week. I dont have super amounts of time but I will include all the good stuff. Elder Collins was transferred out of here. He's in West Jordan now. I was consequentially made district leader. woopie. I forgot how much time it takes to be district leader. I enjoy it, but getting to bed early is non existent anymore. I'm also training a new missionary straight out of the MTC! His name is Elder Neilson, from Cardston, Alberta, Canada. He's a pretty cool companion. He's very mellow, but he's funny. He is learning fast and he is a very good teacher. He doesnt like riding bikes a whole lot, just because it's been 10 years since he has ridden one. I'm trying to help him learn obedience and diligence, but it's been difficult while living with 2 other missionaries. I'm also trying to break him out of his quiet shell when we talk with members. We also had a couple baptisms this weekend. Chasten Okada was baptized back in my old area in Cottonwood, which I got to go back and see. We also had a baptism for Roark Thompson here in our stake. The Ward was all there to support him because he's been a investigating the church for years. He was a full tithe payer and everything for a year before he was baptized. I've been relying more and more on faith in the Lord and in prayer the past couple of days especially with these new responsibilities. It's been tough, trying to budget time between my district and also my new companion. This time is so important for him as a new missionary because it will influence him for the rest of his mission. I am only beginning to understand all the lessons of leadership, and I am trying to do my best to help everyone around me.
I send my best wishes, love you all,
Elder Wright
I send my best wishes, love you all,
Elder Wright
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