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I'm also training a new missionary straight out of the MTC!
I'm almost 10 months out now. That just doesnt seem right because it feels like I just left a month ago. But a million things happened this week. I dont have super amounts of time but I will include all the good stuff. Elder Collins was transferred out of here. He's in West Jordan now. I was consequentially made district leader. woopie. I forgot how much time it takes to be district leader. I enjoy it, but getting to bed early is non existent anymore. I'm also training a new missionary straight out of the MTC! His name is Elder Neilson, from Cardston, Alberta, Canada. He's a pretty cool companion. He's very mellow, but he's funny. He is learning fast and he is a very good teacher. He doesnt like riding bikes a whole lot, just because it's been 10 years since he has ridden one. I'm trying to help him learn obedience and diligence, but it's been difficult while living with 2 other missionaries. I'm also trying to break him out of his quiet shell when we talk with members. We also had a couple baptisms this weekend. Chasten Okada was baptized back in my old area in Cottonwood, which I got to go back and see. We also had a baptism for Roark Thompson here in our stake. The Ward was all there to support him because he's been a investigating the church for years. He was a full tithe payer and everything for a year before he was baptized. 
I've been relying more and more on faith in the Lord and in prayer the past couple of days especially with these new responsibilities. It's been tough, trying to budget time between my district and also my new companion. This time is so important for him as a new missionary because it will influence him for the rest of his mission. I am only beginning to understand all the lessons of leadership, and I am trying to do my best to help everyone around me.
I send my best wishes, love you all,
Elder Wright
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