Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Letter Arrives Snail Mail-Received on Aug. 17th


Dear Family,

I survived my first half-day at the MTC. It looks like we'll be kept busy for the next 3 weeks. My departure date from the MTC is 31st of August. My roommate, Elder Hinsdale, is pretty cool. He's from Georgia, going to the University of Utah and majoring in aerospace engineering. There are four other missionaries going to the India, Bangalore mission in the MTC right now. It sounds like visas take a long time to go through so there is a possibility I could be in the states for a month or two but we'll see. Our district right now is us six headed for India and four headed to San Diego. The cafeteria food is EXACTLY like the Cannon Center, except with less variety. Classes seem pretty long and we don't have much time for anything at all really. Everyone just keeps telling us that if we make it to Sunday, we'll be fine. I know I was feeling kinda crummy when you dropped me off, but I'm feeling loads better now. The hardest part right now is adjusting to calling everyone "Elder" and "Sister" instead of "dude". I won't be able to send another letter until next Thursday so don't fret if you don't get one too soon.
Love, Elder Wright

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